About me

David Carcedo


Degrees and Certificates

Titles aren’t everything, but they do guarantee our education and training.

Stages of Psychotherapy

In practice, these stages don’t have to be so rigid, but here is a basic outline of how therapy works:



To help you, I need to understand your case thoroughly.

Talent management


Here, I'll describe what I've observed and propose a direction to work towards.



This is where the actual therapy, or psychotherapy, begins. Let's get to work!


Online therapy

Psychotherapy is a path towards self-awareness, deep understanding of oneself, and personal transformation.

Individual therapy

When we cannot change a situation, we face the challenge of changing ourselves.

Couples therapy

Being in a relationship can have a healing effect, but only when both partners are aware of their own individual process and their mutual interaction.

Request your first session now, without any commitment.

Dare to change your world.